
Verge Art Miami Beach 2011

Coming Thursday, December 1, Verge Art Miami Beach invites you to experience the finest, freshest work on display in Miami Beach by living artists. The Verge Art Fair breaks away from the false quality of name recognition art to reach for something new and cutting edge. Verge Art Miami Beach is proud to host a list of exhibitors that includes international and national gallery exhibitors, and more than 50 artists for "The Drawing Show" and "Tomorrow Stars." Chosen by a distinguished panel of jurors, "Tomorrow Stars" represents the brightest and best by artists from around the globe, as selected by Meg Duguid, Clutch Gallery Director and Cultural Grants Coordinator for the Chicago Office of Tourism and Culture, Michael Thomas, Dogmatic Gallery co-founder and sitting member of the Visual Arts Committee for the Chicago Cultural Center, Patrick Collier, artist and critic for PortlandArt.net and ultraPDX.com, and Verge owner Michael Workman. Don't miss out on this opportunity to own the work of tomorrow's stars today!

VERGE ART MIAMI BEACH at the Greenview Hotel
1671 Washington Avenue / 17th Street
December 1-4, 2011

Public Hours
Thursday, Friday & Saturday, 2 - 3 December, Noon to 10 pm
Sunday, 4 December, Noon to 6 pm
Opening Night Party
Thursday, 1 December, 2011, 6:00 pm to 10pm

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